Does the Resurrection of Jesus Offer You Hope?

No matter what you’ve done, what you believe makes all the difference between hope and despair

Barbara Radisavljevic


Image by Ben Burton from Pixabay

Jesus Came to Earth to Serve, to Die, and to Save

It’s safe to say that no one followed Jesus believing he would later be arrested and crucified. Rather most followed him because they believed he was the Christ — the one who would overthrow the Romans who ruled them.

They expected a conquering king.

Both Peter and Judas Iscariot probably believed that, since they came from Galilee where the belief was prevalent at the time. Just before the death of Jesus, both betrayed their friendships with him. What happened to each after that was very different. I will offer my opinion on why this was so.

Judas the Betrayer

There was a time when almost everyone in the Western world knew that Judas Iscariot was the disciple that betrayed Jesus to the Jewish high priests who wanted to kill him. The name “Judas” was synonymous with “traitor.” This may no longer be true, but it’s important to know that Judas did betray his friend.

Many commentators believe that Judas may have had pure motives in following Jesus…



Barbara Radisavljevic

Christian, bereaved adoptive mom, blogger, amateur nature photographer, voracious reader. Married 57 years. Central Coast of California.