Don’t Wait for a Burning Bush

How to find the true God

Marcia Laycock


A burning bush in front of a mountain on a dark night
Image source: Pixabay

I recently watched an old video called The Prince of Egypt. It’s the story of Moses and the exodus of the Hebrews out of Egypt. Although it is a cartoon version made in Hollywood, the creators kept it fairly close to the Biblical account. I have seen this movie several times, and there is one scene that never fails to move me — the point where Moses encounters God in the burning bush. When he asks that wonderful question, “Who are you?” God’s answer is at once mysterious and absolute.

He says:

“I am that I am.” (Exodus 3:14, KJV)

Moses obeyed

We know from the Biblical story told in Exodus that Moses responded to God’s call and obeyed His command to return to Egypt and confront Pharaoh. Though he was reluctant and believed himself to be inadequate for the job, he obeyed. I believe his obedience was in direct relation to his understanding of who this God was.

He had been seeking God for some time, and when God called, drawing him to a place where he could hear, the overwhelming effect of that encounter impressed upon Moses that this was the God of the universe — one not to be trifled with. Moses did not have an opportunity to create God in his own image. His perception of God had come from the source.



Marcia Laycock

Finding the extraordinary in an ordinary life. Pastor’s wife (newly retired), mom to 3 girIs. Also have 12 books available on Amazon.