Effective Way a Good Christian Can Get Rid of Annoying People

Old dehydrated carrots and how to deal with them

Vytautas Ratkevičius


A bundle of carrots
Illustration created by the author.

Time has a fascinating way of changing and evolving friendships. Like a bundle of fresh carrots, I bought at the supermarket. Their vibrant color caught my eye doing all the marketing necessary filling my mouth with a prophetic juicy taste.

I completely forgot I had bought the vegetables. After a month, while I was on a hunt in my fridge for something sweet, I rediscovered them. These carrots were nothing like the ones I had bought earlier. Ugly, shriveled and resembling pale roots a witch would hang in her tiny hut hidden in the moist-heavy swamp.

“At least they bend now,” I thought, trying to convince myself that the new rubbery quality is a benefit. The peeler, however, made me admit the brutal reality — the carrots were no longer good.

New friendships seem exciting as they bring in a fresh gust of mystery. It’s a thrill to slowly unravel layers of the character of a new friend. Sadly, when the novelty passes by, we find the person predictable. A few misunderstandings or (God forbid!) offenses in the mix and the friendship is left with a taste of bitter disappointment.

Not again! I thought that person is amazing. Now it’s impossible to stand their…



Vytautas Ratkevičius

Digital writer aiming to inspire and empower you to live more puposeful life.