
Revd Kevin Barnard
Published in
Jan 6, 2024


3 Magi
Photo by Jay Kettle-Williams on Unsplash

When the Magi visited Jesus, the gifts they offered showed what they thought of him:


A symbol of royalty for his kingship on earth.


A perfume symbolising his holiness and righteousness.


An anointing oil looking ahead at his death.

What can we offer Jesus?

Like the Magi, what we offer Jesus shows what we think of him.

Perhaps we feel like Peter in Acts, who had nothing to give to a beggar. Rather than accept defeat, he said:

Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. (Acts 3:6, NIVUK)

and he healed him.

If we approach God and feel we have nothing to give, let’s look at what we do have, rather than what we don’t have. He delights to receive our time, our obedience, our love.



Revd Kevin Barnard

The personal thoughts of a Church of England vicar