Experience Without Evaluation Is Not the Best Teacher

The clock is ticking down again

Published in
3 min readMay 7, 2020


Interlinking of gear wheels with IMPLEMENT, PLAN, IMPROVE and EVALUATE words imprinted on metal stamped on the metal surface
Continual improvement will only come about after reflection and evaluation: Photo: Shutterstock

The clock is ticking down again.

But today I am writing from a different perspective. Today I want to spend the next twenty minutes in reflection. Reflection on an article I wrote yesterday:

It was John Maxwell who said,

“Experience is not the best teacher; evaluated experience is the best teacher. Reflective thinking is needed to turn experience into insight.”

Consider one thing

If I am serious about mastering the art of writing and publishing, I must make reflection my constant companion.

Each day I need to take five or ten minutes to consider.

One thing

  • that worked well
  • that needs improvement
  • I learned yesterday
  • I need to do today that will bring me closer to success




My passion is for enlightening, empowering, and encouraging fellow writers to transform their world one story at a time. Together, we inspire change!