Eyes on Jesus

Aderonke Awonusi
Published in
Jul 29, 2023


Photo by Jason Strull on Unsplash

I once found myself glued to a monitor machine in an hospital, hoping for the recovery of a family member.

The doctors had explained to me, the standard readings that should indicate an improvement in health, so I sat there all day, trying to drive up oxygen levels and reduce heart rates with my eyes. (It sounds funny now, but not then…)

I was terrified and exhausted, as the numbers did not seem to add up.

When we focus our attention on our problems, they can appear bigger and unresolved.

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth (Psalms 121:1–2, KJV)

The scripture in Psalms 121 reminds us of where our focus should be, On the Solution provider and not the Problem.



Aderonke Awonusi

Godlover, Unashamed of the Gospel of Christ. HR Pro & Writer. I am passionate about sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ through Storytelling..