Finding True Success as a Christian Entrepreneur

Lessons from Matthew 6:33

David Ramos
3 min readJan 10, 2023


Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

As a Christian entrepreneur, it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of building a successful business. We pour our hearts and souls into our work, striving for excellence and financial success. But in the midst of all this striving, it’s important to remember what truly brings success in the eyes of God.

Imagine a tree planted by a river, its roots deeply rooted in the rich soil, its branches reaching towards the sky. This tree is a metaphor for the Christian entrepreneur, with the roots representing our foundation in Christ and the branches representing our business endeavors.

As the tree grows, it is nourished by the water of the river, just as we, as Christian entrepreneurs, are nourished by our relationship with God. But if the tree begins to focus solely on growing its branches and neglects its roots, it will eventually wither and die.

In the same way, it’s essential for Christian entrepreneurs to prioritize our foundation in Christ above all else. When we put God first, everything else falls into place.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (Matthew 6:33, NIV)

So how can we ensure that our roots remain strong as we pursue success in business? Here are some practical tips:

Keep a consistent prayer and devotional life

As Christian entrepreneurs, it’s essential to stay connected to God through prayer and Bible study. This helps to keep us grounded and focused on what truly matters. Set aside dedicated time each day to pray and read the Bible, and consider joining a small group or Bible study for accountability and fellowship.

Be faithful in the small things

It’s easy to get caught up in the pursuit of big goals and forget about the small, daily tasks that make up the journey. But as the saying goes, “faithfulness in the small things leads to faithfulness in the big things.” By being diligent and trustworthy in the little things, we show that we can be trusted with bigger responsibilities.

Serve others

As Christian entrepreneurs, it’s not just about building a successful business; it’s about using our talents and resources to serve others. Look for opportunities to give back to your community and make a positive impact. This could be through volunteering your time, donating to causes you care about, or using your business to make a difference in the world.

Practice good stewardship

As Christian entrepreneurs, we are called to be good stewards of the resources and opportunities God has given us. This means being wise with our finances and using our influence to make a positive impact. Consider tithing and giving generously to support the work of the church and other worthy causes.

Seek wisdom and counsel

No one has all the answers, and it’s okay to ask for help and seek guidance. Surround yourself with wise and godly mentors who can provide counsel and guidance as you navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship.

It’s not always easy to balance the demands of building a business with a strong foundation in Christ. But by keeping these things in mind and continually seeking to put God first, we can find true success as Christian entrepreneurs.

As Christian business leader and author, John C. Maxwell, says, “The key to success is learning how to get along with people. It’s not what you know or who you know, it’s who knows you and what they think of you.”

By building our businesses on a foundation of faith and integrity, we can not only achieve financial success but also make a lasting impact for the kingdom of God.



David Ramos

writer with a sword, fighter with a pen. want more grammar errors?