Five Inspiring Reasons Why Christians Should Celebrate Ascension Day

It’s celebrated this year on Thursday, May 18th

Paul Walker


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During the years I worked in full-time church ministry, I invariably held a worship service on Ascension Day.

But I struggled — often in vain — to encourage people to show up.

Because Ascension Day is 40 days after Easter Day, it ALWAYS falls on a Thursday, making it even harder to get people to turn up.

It’s a tremendous shame. Ascent is an exceedingly momentous and meaningful day — and something undeniably worth honoring.

On this Ascension Day, here are FIVE crucial reasons for Christians everywhere to celebrate:

1. The Ascension roars, “It is finished! “

It is a decisive moment in the history of salvation. The howl of Jesus Christ on the cross.

It is finished.

Yet there was still more to his story — the resurrection, for one thing. But the ascension paints a thick black line under his earthly work.

There’s nothing more Jesus needs to do on this earth.

Practically speaking, the ascension reminds us that if there’s nothing left for Christ to do to accomplish…



Paul Walker

Spiritual traveler, Prog Rock aficionado, Husband, Dad, Retired Anglican Priest figuring out what ‘retirement’ means.