Forgive Because God Forgave You

Liza Lovett


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32, NIV)

Forgiveness is not easy. It is a choice we have to make over and over again. Sometimes, the choice is easy, and sometimes, it is extremely difficult.

When I remember how God has forgiven me, I think about all of the sins and evil other people have done, and remember that God forgives those people as well.

Forgiveness is easy for God. He wants to forgive. Therefore, I am compelled to forgive.

Take a moment and think about someone who has hurt you, someone you struggle to forgive. Now, remember that God forgave that person already.

Then, ask God what He thinks about that person. And now, the hard part. Forgive them. I promise you will find freedom in it.



Liza Lovett

International Christian Speaker. Author. Writer. Cult Survivor. Pilot Wife. Outdoor Lover. Naturopathic Healthy Life.