Genuine God Followers Focus on God, Not Only on His Benefits

Maybe we need a little tap on our shoulders to correct our thinking about God

Richard Armstrong


Photo by Humble Lamb on Unsplash

I’m writing to focus our attention on who God is, first rather than on what He gives us.

Have you ever sensed that someone loves you for the things they can get from you? Disgusting isn’t it? Besides, their love to get something from you is demoralizing to you. You thought the person loved you for who you are; now you find out it was a game to get something from you.

Do we play the same game with God? We like the scriptures saying, He, God, grants the desires of our heart. (Psalms 37:4), Or God will lead us out of our wilderness, as He did the Israelites many years ago. (Psalms 78:52). How about this one, ask, and you will receive? (Mark 11:24).

Don’t get me wrong here; I know the above scripture references are in keeping with the God we serve. I like each of these scriptures a lot.

But, we cross a fine line when we love the getting more than the giver.

We like scriptures about what we get by serving God. Well, how about these scriptures?

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and…



Richard Armstrong

An Intentional octogenarian optimist. Your past is not a prophet, at best; it is only a teacher.