Give Us Eyes to See Your Creation

Joanne Creary
Published in
Jun 3, 2022


Photo by Dương Nhân on Pexels

Psalm 19 in the NIV begins “The heavens declare the glory of God…”

These words rise spontaneously to my lips many mornings as I glance out my kitchen window while I wait for my first cup of coffee to brew.

The streaks of color brightening the night sky as the sun comes up never fail to remind me of the Creator and make me grateful to be alive.

…the skies proclaim the work of his hands. (Psalm 19:1 NIV)

God’s glory is on full display all the time if we would just be attentive. My prayer today is that God will grant us eyes to see the world He created. As you read this, may your spirit to be drawn to praise God for the glory of creation all around you.



Joanne Creary

I write about personal growth, faith, human behavior, and anything else that catches my interest.