How God Worked That for Your Good

Ask for 20/20 hindsight

M.M. O'Keefe


Do you have 20–20 hindsight? Photo illustration by the author using an image from Canva.

One of my father’s memorable and quirky maxims was this: “Hindsight is 20/20.” It took me years to get what Morey O’Keefe, a Fulbright scholar turned semi-truck driver meant:

Life looks clearer in your rear-view mirror.

With time, you can sometimes see the domino effect of how one thing led to another to get you to where you are today. Not just the good stuff but the bad stuff and the in-between stuff.

What if you are a person of faith? Is there a way to look back on your life with eyes of faith to see not only what happened but who made it happen and why? I think there is.

When you do this, you sometimes see that what you initially experienced as bad was good.

Divine reversals

In the Bible, Joseph is one of many examples of what Jesus Calling author Sarah Young (see May 7 devotion) calls “this divine reversal.”

Joseph has a moment of 20–20 hindsight adding who and why to what when he declares to his brothers:

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. (Genesis 50:20, NIV)



M.M. O'Keefe

I write about faith, fathering, sports, recovery and history — hoping to inspire you.