God Will See You Through

No need to push

Marie Grace, PhD


“The glasses symbolize the ability to see God’s guidance.” Photo by Joshua Newton on Unsplash

He is there —
watching, understanding
across the expanse of your struggles
No need to push against the current
He whispers, ‘Stand’

The world urges haste
but His timing unfolds with the grace of the sun’s rise
each ray a promise
each dawn a new testament

In the labyrinth of your fears
He is the steady hand guiding you back to light
the architect of pathways hidden from your sight

‘Trust,’ He says, as the weight of your worries
threatens to anchor you in the deep
With Him you float
buoyant on faith as thin as gossamer
strong as steel

Your journey, marked by the echo of His footsteps
needs no rush
He teaches patience
in the unfurling of leaves
in the slow bloom of the desert after rain

He sees you —
not just where you are
but where you can be
In His vision, you are already there
no need to push

So, when the night feels endless
He navigates the stars
turns the tides
calms the storm within

Let go —
lean into His presence
where time holds its breath
and peace unfolds
petal by petal
in the garden of your soul

God will see you through
without a push without a hurry
for in His embrace
you are.



Marie Grace, PhD

I fuse imagination with insight to captivate and provoke new perspectives to build a shared understanding through mindful written discourse.