God’s Covenant With Moses

Before there was a promise to a nation there was a promise to a man

Donnell King


Moses and the Burning Bush, illustration from the 1890 Holman Bible (public domain)

I recently had the opportunity to speak for our church’s noonday Lenten service, something we do every Wednesday during Lent. The series followed covenants of various sorts throughout the Bible. I drew Moses, and honestly I thought, “Wow! I have 12 minutes to talk about one of the greatest covenants ever made.”

I went to Scripture and stopped on the early verses of Exodus 3, especially verses 1–5 and 11–12.

Moses was taking care of the flock for his father-in-law Jethro, Midian’s priest. He led his flock out to the edge of the desert, and he came to God’s mountain called Horeb. The Lord’s messenger appeared to him in a flame of fire in the middle of a bush. Moses saw that the bush was in flames, but it didn’t burn up. Then Moses said to himself, Let me check out this amazing sight and find out why the bush isn’t burning up.

When the Lord saw that he was coming to look, God called to him out of the bush, “Moses, Moses!”

Moses said, “I’m here….”

But Moses said to God, “Who am I to go to Pharaoh and to bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”

God said, “I’ll be with you. And this will show you that I’m the one who sent you. After you bring the…



Donnell King

Communication nerd. Christ follower. I write about speaking, writing, using Zoom effectively for impact. Check out cool links at https://linktr.ee/donnellking