God’s Love for You Is Unquestionable and His Joy Is Wonderful

So then why do I question it?

Ron Whitehead


Photo by Bekka Mongeau from Pexels

Many Christians question God’s love for them from time to time. There are times when it just does not seem as if God truly cares about us. Everyone has faced a relationship that has gone sour, an interview that did not go as planned, the loss of a loved one, or a medical condition that has impacted our lives.

In these times, we must cling to the truths of God’s Word, and not focus on the circumstances around us.

Because God loves us, He offers His children both present joy and eternal joy.

God offers His children present joy

We often struggle to pinpoint His plan in our quest to understand what God’s will is for our lives. Maybe we complicate it too much; however, God is not out to hide His will but delights in revealing His plan for us.

No doubt, there are times that He needs us to go through the process of struggling with Him in prayer and searching the Scriptures like a butterfly struggles to get out of the cocoon. The process is necessary, not for Him, but for us.

There is nothing more joyful than to know that you are doing what God wants you to do, even when that task is difficult. But don’t think of joy as…



Ron Whitehead

Follower of Jesus — Husband — Father — Pastor