Great Words of Comfort

Let God be God and trust him

Trudi Griffin
Published in
4 min readOct 5, 2022


Oklahoma sunset — Photo by author

A recurring phrase haunts memories of my childhood. Growing up I had a tendency to want to do what displeased my parents, sometimes to the point of their exasperation. Whether I was trying for a real answer or just being annoying, I cannot remember, but I remember the response to my incessant whiney “why…?”

Because I said so.

When I became a stepmom, I found myself wanting to use that same phrase. But I remembered how annoying it was, so I made an effort to explain to my pre-young man why certain things were the way they were, especially regarding house rules.

When the dark times hit, and our world tilted on its axis, we directed our incessant whine of “why…?” toward God.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. (Isaiah 55:8, NIV)

I think this is God’s way of saying “because I said so.”

How many people experience tragedy, blame God because they don’t get what they want out of life, and then reject him because our little human brains cannot understand his ways?

I am guilty of this.



Trudi Griffin

Shining light in the darkness with words. Devoted to Jesus. Wife of a warrior. Small business owner.