He Broke In, But Love Gently Knocked

Karen Sindiso
Published in
4 min readAug 25, 2022

A Story Of Then, Now & Forever

Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash

He broke in. He was an intruder. He trespassed. He forced himself in. He didn’t force her, but he broke down her walls. He did not take everything, but he took enough to leave her feeling broken, empty and alone. What he took what was not his.

He might say he knocked and was invited in, but that’s not what happened. How was she supposed to have known any better? No one had told her. No one had warned her.

He didn’t ask for permission, but he asked for permission. He asked knowing she didn’t know any better. He didn’t ask for permission to ruin her life. He asked for permission to give her a new experience.

He asked knowing she didn’t know the demons that would soon follow and torment her. The walls that she would be forced to build to keep this from happening again. The doors she would slam in the faces of the innocent. The lonely days and nights she would spend surrounded by people who love her and that she loves.

If she knew, she wouldn’t have let him in. But nobody had told her, so how was she to know?

One might say she had a choice, but she didn’t. She thought it was normal. She thought it was something that happens to everyone. She trusted him. They trusted him. I mean why wouldn’t they? They’d known him since forever. That didn’t mean anything. That didn’t stop him. That didn’t alarm his conscience. It in fact gave him more ammunition. It made him comfortable in his decision.

She tried to speak about it when it was over, but wasn’t taken seriously. Her caregiver laughed.

So she vowed never to speak of it again, and in turn began her journey to building walls. She thought the walls would keep the shame and pain away, along with the wicked. She couldn’t tell the difference between the two walls anymore. He left her confused and with blurred vision. She couldn’t discern which walls were for her safety and which ones were destructive.

She couldn’t tell the good people from the bad.

She didn’t want to be laughed at again, but at the same time she wanted love and affection. She wanted to feel understood. She wanted real connections. She wanted to be known for who she really was before all of this. She wanted to let them in, but all she could think of was what he did to her. She didn’t want to get hurt again. She didn’t want to feel worthless again.

Fear, masked up in anger, was a part of the destructive wall she built. Anger stood in the middle of her and anyone who tried to get close to her.

It almost stood in between Love and her, but Love gently knocked on her door until He was let in. Love proved to be stronger.

Love told her that He had always been there. Even when he broke in, Love was there. Love was the reason he didn’t take everything.

Love gently knocked until He was welcomed in. Love taught her a new meaning of ‘walls down’. Love loved her. Love kissed her wounds better. Love healed her and made her whole. Love restored her hope. Love held her hand as He walked her down the aisle. Love embraced her as He met her at the altar. Love vowed to hold her hand all the way to healing and wholeness. Love did all that He vowed. Love loved, cherished, had and held her to the end.

Love has been showing her that there can be safety in letting your walls down. She is worth loving. Not an abusive love, but a proper and sacrificial love.

Love told her that what he did to her didn’t matter, Love’s love would make up for it. Her life was not ruined. Her life was not over. Her life was not worthless. Her life was still worth living. Love loved her and that was enough.

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17, KJV)

He broke in, but Love gently knocked…

“Instead of shame and dishonour, you will enjoy a double share of honour. You will possess a double portion of prosperity in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.” (Isaiah 61:7, NLT)

