Holy Spirit GPS

May we learn to rely on God the same way we rely on GPS

Tracy Gerhardt Cooper


A steady guide

One of the biggest technological improvements to my life in the past decade is the GPS. I love my phone’s Maps app for getting me places. All I have to do is plug in the address and do what it says. I’m never worried because I know it knows better than me.

The GPS knows which way is most efficient and lays out a route. It anticipates traffic and other roadblocks. It’s designed to see the big picture and send me the way that is best given the circumstances.

I trust it to get me where I’m going.

This is especially true if it is somewhere I’ve never been. Once I turn it on, I follow the route and put faith in its ability to deliver me to my destination.

Even if I make a mistake and miss a turn, it redirects me and sets me on a new course. My own errors or other detours can’t deter it from figuring out how to get me there.

Choosing God’s guidance

Just like the faith I put in my GPS, I need to trust the Lord’s directions even more so. I want to follow the guidance of God, who sees the big picture. He knows best, even when I think there’s a better way.

