House of Cards

A poetic parable inspired by the wise and foolish builders

Brad Creech
Published in
2 min readFeb 26, 2021


I built this house with my two hands,
Exactly how the king had wanted it.
I built it tall and full of rooms,
So he could throw big parties for his friends.

He said,
“Who said money can't buy happiness?
Look at all the happiness I've got.
Spare no expense.
Use only the finest cards.
I've got a queen of diamonds to impress.”

A house of cards was never meant to last. We all knew one day it would collapse.

Jack was too smart to be told.
He was guided only by his heart.
You could find him chasing girls,
Letting loose and living in the bars.

He said,
“I am the master of my destiny.
No one can tell me what to do.”
When the house collapsed,
We found him under the ace of hearts,
Just like the heart that buried him.

A house of cards was never…



Brad Creech

Pastor - husband - father - author of The Dark Night of the Soul (