How a Shocking Heartbreak Led to an Unexpected Gift of Love

The story of how God gave me the amazing gift of a husband when I opened my hands

Mishael Witty
Published in
7 min readJan 13, 2020


The challenge

I just started reading Ann Voskamp’s book One Thousand Gifts¹ (along with the accompanying Bible study guide) as part of an online Facebook Bible study group with Bett Harris, Janis Cox, and some others.

This was the challenge:

Soul holes are wounded moments from our past that closed our hands to God’s grace — punched holes in our soul. Recall a past difficulty, and find the gift in it.

There was one that immediately came to mind as I read this morning, and as my husband wrapped his arm around me and kissed me tenderly on the shoulder before getting out of bed to go to work.

It was a hurt that I’d never really found the gift in. I didn’t want to remember or examine it too closely. It was deep because it wounded me in more ways than one.

Broken dreams…broken promises…wasted time…undeniable proof that:


It’s a long story, but I’ll try to just hit the highlights.

The backstory



Mishael Witty

Wife, mother, crazy cat lady. Author, ghostwriter, editor. I manipulate words because manipulating people is evil.