Bible study

How Can We Show Love to Others During This Pandemic?

What God showed me through His Word

Janis Cox
Published in
5 min readApr 18, 2020



I am reading through the Bible in three years. Join me. Each day I find it astonishing how what I read has to do with what I am living. The Bible talks to each of us in different ways. The Bible also talks to us at different times, different things.

His Word truly is a two-edged sword.

Psalm 16; Song of Solomon 8:6–7; John 20:11–20

Psalm 16

This is the third time I have read this through and in different translations.

Today I saw these words:

Keep me safe (1)
Stick with God (2)
Stay with the Saints (3)
I shall not be shaken (8)
God will not abandon me to the grave (10)

I saw the theme of having safety in God.

Song of Solomon 8:6–7

I wrote both verses out in the NIV and The Message.

When I read “many waters cannot quench love”, the notes talked about the “ocean depths and realm of the…



Janis Cox

Creativity Spiritual Catalyst. Author/Illustrator. Jesus follower. Growing Through God's Word FB group for reading the Bible.