How do YOU Experience God?

C.S. Lewis enhanced my perspective

Trudi Griffin


Photo by David Bruggink on Unsplash

Back when C.S. Lewis wrote the story of his conversion to Christianity in “Surprised by Joy,” a contemporary of his reviewed the book and basically called it boring and uninspiring.

To a casual reader that may be true. If I remember correctly, the moment of conversion was described in less than a page. However, in a free online Hillsdale College course, Professor Michael Ward explains the way Lewis’ approach to philosophy applied to his conversion story, which cracks open the words Lewis wrote with new clarity and exposes the beauty of faith.

Contemplation vs. Enjoyment

Professor Ward explained the difference between a life of contemplation and a life of enjoyment. Lewis adapted this idea from another philosopher (I didn’t write that person’s name down). Using the metaphor of a sunbeam, he described his conversion experience as moving from contemplation to enjoyment.

Contemplation is like looking at a sunbeam filtering through a crack in the door from across the room and noticing its light, its shape, and the way the dust motes dance within it. It is an outsider looking into the sunbeam, rationally analyzing and appreciating its beauty.



Trudi Griffin

Shining light in the darkness with words. Devoted to Jesus. Wife of a warrior. Small business owner.