How May I Pray for You?

Of restaurants, missions, and a how-to

Katharine Trauger


Image by StockSnap @ PixaBay

We lead a busy life. Pastoring a small church where most of the dear souls love us and need us can be a super job, super full of super privileges that can leave us super … ready to get away for a break at some health-giving restaurant or even a hidey-hole wherever real cooks make real food happen.

For a long while, we chose an amazing steak house that also served hot chicken wings and several salad choices. Then we graduated to a small but excellent place with a very long salad bar (choice of types of lettuce, for starters, ending with homemade crackers!) After that, it was a darkly romantic place that served as a training ground for immigrants from Romania; that was so fun. Each time, the food was good. And real.

Usually, the outing would be tandem with some other reason we had to go to the big city, an hour away. Often it was a doctor's appointment. Sometimes it was a special trip for a special purchase, such as a replacement for a broken washer. But we turned it into a small vacation.

The best part is having examples to share

During our excursions, we used the time off to take on a new and cherished person who needed prayer. So far, it’s always been someone on the wait staff. We’d ask if there were something…



Katharine Trauger

Jesus lover. Professional Mom. Writer, Speaker, Counselor. Contest winner. Woods dweller. Scratch cook. . Content completely A.I. free.