How the Lord’s Supper is Linked to the Passover

In the celebration of the Passover meal in the upper room, Jesus forever links the gospel message with Old Testament scripture

Dr. David Martin


A portrait of Jesus and His disciples at the Last Supper
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC

Jesus often shared meals with His disciples. They were times of fellowship and learning. Many of Jesus’ more profound teachings to His disciples came around the dinner table.

That’s precisely what happened at the Thursday dinner meal on the night Jesus was betrayed. It was to be a betrayal that would lead to His death on the Cross on Good Friday and His glorious resurrection on that first Sunday.

Jesus and His disciples were having a special meal in the upper room, and Jesus would use this special meal to teach His disciples about His death and resurrection. In this teaching, he would also link His death and resurrection to a special event in the Old Testament scriptures. By doing so, He would link the entire Bible together, both the Old and New Testament.

This was no ordinary meal. It was a Jewish Seder meal, a meal that was a memorial to the event in the Old Testament called the Passover. Why was this meal so crucial to the Jews? Because it celebrated the release of the nation of Israel from the slavery of their Egyptian masters.

Setting the stage



Dr. David Martin

I write about leadership, tech, education, current affairs and life in general from Seoul, South Korea (poetry, too!). Email me at