
How This Writer Felt a Call to Tell More Stories

Writer Spotlight: An interview with Ryan Douglas Martin

Kimberley Payne
Published in
8 min readJun 11, 2021


Personal photo of Ryan Douglas Martin

As a publication on Medium, we have grown to over 350 writers. We are excited to see what God is doing to get His Word out there.

Through this interview series, we want to share with you a little snapshot into the lives of our writers.

Ryan Douglas Martin lives in Double Oak, Texas. You’re invited to join us in learning a little bit about Ryan and what makes him tick.

When did you join Medium? What influenced your decision to join?

I joined Medium back in early 2018. I was looking for creative and accessible ways to grow my blog and experiment with different writing topics. About a year before discovering Medium I had felt a strong call on my life from God to tell more stories. Medium is a great playground for telling stories and exercising my creative muscles.

When did you join Koinonia? What attracted you to this publication?

I joined Koinonia in the Spring of 2021. I’ve followed and been a contributing writer to multiple other publications prior to connecting with Koinonia, but it’s…



Kimberley Payne

Jesus Follower. Oma. Author. Writing to help others grow closer to God. Download 5 Free Prayer Models at