How to Achieve Real Transformation of the Heart

Two practical suggestions that have helped me

Sarah K. Butterfield


Two practical suggestions that have helped me in spiritual transformation: shifting my mindset about what counts as spiritual, and doing spiritual practices
Photo by Khadeeja Yasser on Unsplash

My French is rusty. It pains me to admit this because I have a lot of pride in growing up bilingual as a missionary kid. My family moved from California to France when I was seven. We attended language school for a year, and then I was dropped into French public school for the rest of my elementary and junior high years.

I watched French TV, read French books, and made French friends. Afraid we’d lose our English, my parents banned French in the house, but they couldn’t stop me from thinking in French!

All this to say: I’m losing it.

And I know this is true because we have French neighbors in our condo complex and when I tried chit-chatting with them, they talked too fast and the right words escaped me, and I felt slow and clunky.

Alarmed, I vowed to do something about it. I downloaded some French podcasts and a French national news app. I borrowed a short French novel from our public library.

This happened months ago. The novel proved too difficult and after a week or so I forgot all about the podcasts. In truth, my good intentions fell by the wayside.

Our actions reveal our desires



Sarah K. Butterfield

Writer, speaker, and ministry leader. Always seeking to empower others at