How to Anchor Yourself

Standing firm when you feel like giving up

Robert McManus


Faith — “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Heb. 11:1, ESV). Faith is a running theme throughout the Bible. From Abel onwards, faith is an attributed of the great men of Scripture. God singled out Abraham to be the source of His chosen on the basis of his faith.

Another theme running through the Bible is the testing of faith. Our refined faith gets forged as we meet the hardships presented because we live in a fallen world. Being a Christian is no bed of roses, no easy street. No, when God saves us, the Devil amps the attacks on us. Faith is a gift from God. Faith enables us to believe in the saving work of the cross. Faith puts us in God’s care.

Faith is where we plant our Ebenezer

The temptations thrown at us are both obvious and devious. Satan cannot tear us away from God because that is not in his power. He is capable of making us ineffective as stumbling blocks. Popular culture presents a Satan gleeful when tripping us. He whispers in our minds that we are really no good.

We have clichés such as, “when the rubber meets the road”, and “when the going gets tough, the tough get going”. Bromides are of little use against the supernatural. What does help…



Robert McManus

Retired RN from VA ER, reader, writer, Southern, Christian, veteran. That’s the bare bones, the trees, not the forest, the whole picture.