How to Continue Life’s Simple but Exciting Journey

The wedding and life

Helen Olivier
4 min readMay 14, 2019


The sun rose over the tree-tops, in a brilliant show of light and beauty. The Great Artist of the universe has painted a day for us all to remember. We traveled 1600 km to be here today, and there is nowhere I would rather be than right here.

Here in the wild and beautiful nature reserve, we feel strangely safe and protected.

The wildlife holds little thread to those who obey the rules of the wild. It is as if we have traveled the great distance to reach a perfect destination. I stand next to my beautiful daughter; her white dress reflects the sun’s rays as we wait to start our slow walk down the aisle.

The guests are seated, all waiting in anticipation.

All around us, there is life.

Zebras, giraffe, buck, rhinoceros, and birds all take little notice of the small party of people gathered together on the deck to celebrate the beauty of the union of a husband and wife.

Photo by Nick Karvounis on Unsplash

The gorgeous little flower girl has reached the front and has scattered her rose petals along the way. The two bridesmaids have taken their places and to the side, the groom is waiting, dressed in a traditional Scottish kilt, here in the heart of Africa.

I close my eyes for a short moment and pray that God will teach my daughter to always respect and honour this man and that God will teach him to love my daughter as Christ loves the church.

Then the soft voice of a young girl starts singing and the song travels over the fields and the trees. My daughter and I start walking down the aisle. All so perfect; and yet, not perfect at all. I should not have been the one to walk my daughter down the aisle today. And later, it should not have been the two mothers who stood in the place of the fathers.

Two fathers were absent. Two fathers were missed

My daughter’s father should have been here today. He would have been so proud of the daughter she has been and of the young woman she has become. Her new husband’s father should have been there, to look proudly on his son.

But only two mothers stood behind their children today. Two mothers, who only met yesterday, but strangely bound by a bond only understood by those who had lost their life partners.

Now I continued my journey, the journey we are all on

It is a journey, not too long for some, and for others, much longer than just 1600km. This journey can be full of danger and difficulties, but it becomes an exciting journey when you stop traveling on your own.

It has been many years now since I’ve asked Jesus to take over the driver seat of my life.

Sometimes I see the road take unexpected turns and I want to take back the control, but through the years I have learned that when I take control into my hands, I will head for disaster.

I have learned to love this exciting journey with Jesus on my side.

And guess where I am heading?

I am heading to another wedding feast. Our bridegroom is waiting, and the feast is prepared. I will enjoy the journey there. I know it will not always be over smooth terrain.

I have learned though that when the journey takes me over steep mountain passes, the view is always exhilarating.

So, wherever He may lead me, I will go. Soon and very soon the bride will meet her bridegroom……and on that day….. the Father will be there.

“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it’” (Isaiah 30:21).

This story is published in Koinonia — stories by Christians to encourage, entertain, and empower you in your faith, food, fitness, family and fun.

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Helen Olivier

An ordinary women called by an extraordinary God to spread His love and write when the Spirit moves my heart.