How to Fight Temptation — Tips for Christians

A few bits of wisdom to aid in the fight



Whether it’s an addiction or a sinful bad habit, we all have something that greatly tempts us. We all have some weakness. We may be able to easily shake off some bad habits, while others give us a bitter struggle lasting our whole lifetime.

Fighting this struggle is one of the hardest things we’ll ever do, but the reward of a better life is well worth it. Still, we can try to make a hard fight easier by fighting smarter.

In today’s post I’m going to share some Christian tips and wisdom about fighting temptations and addictions through Christ.

Thorns in the flesh

But first, let’s talk about “thorns in the flesh” as described by Paul.

Although addictions are demonic afflictions that ruin our lives and must be stopped, we will always have temptations. And we will always be weak to some temptations or urges, while stronger against others. Our flesh nature is a weakness that’s always working against us. It is what it is.

But without these thorns in the flesh we might start thinking we’re perfect. That we’re perfectly enlightened, awesome Christians who do everything right. These temptations and urges—these thorns in the flesh—keep us…




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