How to Find God in Dry Times

Listen for the whisper

Bett Harris


Alone again

I couldn’t feel God anywhere. He wasn’t at my workplace. He wasn’t in my home. He wasn’t with my family for sure. I felt abandoned and alone. Here I was in my early 50’s, looking out my kitchen window at the heap of snow that had fallen the night before, questioning where God was and why He had deserted me again. God wasn’t a foreigner to me. As I continued to stare at the wonderland outside, my mind mulled over my relationship with God over the years. It hadn’t been a smooth ride, that’s for sure. How could I find my way back to Him?

A history with Jesus

My first encounter with Christ was in a tiny independent church I attended as a child, with my 5 siblings. Our parents never accompanied us to church, so my Christian experience stayed at church. Without encouragement and support in my faith, when my parents divorced and our family split up a few years later, I was lost. I attended a few churches and church events after that but had no support from family to continue. My faith began to fizzle away.

On one occasion, on a visit to see my father and step-mother, they took me to an evening service at a local church in their town. That night I encountered Jesus once again, during an altar call. I was 12 years old. I gave my…



Bett Harris

Previously worked in healthcare and education. Now retired. I love Jesus and want to share Him with everyone who will listen. Writing and doing art are my muse.