How to Love the Wounded in the Crowded Line

Listening is key


People in a busy train station.
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

A prayer for more love

Jesus, fill our hearts with love for all.

You died to mend broken hearts.
You suffered the worst brutality,
so anyone who calls out to You would be set free.
They would no longer be held in sin’s captivity.

Forgive us, o God, when our nerves get frayed by people in the line.
If we knew these hurting souls —
heard their cries for peace,
wouldn’t that cause Your healing love in us to be released?

Give us a patient and open spirit when we feel crowded for time.

A challenge to love

Take a moment to offer a smile, a silent prayer for others.
We have no idea what they’re going through, but He does.

Thank the cashier, truck driver, first responders, doctors, nurses,
pharmacists, and…



Dr. Kevin Osborne Psy.D., D.Sc., D.D., D.P.C.

I’m a therapist, chaplain, writer, poet, singer. I help people in their inner healing journey. Writer for Publishous, Koinonia, a Few Words, Hopes and Dreams