Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing This Summer — Pursuing Otium Sanctum

Don’t let ‘mom guilt’ get you down

Cara Ray


Since moving to the Phoenix area, I’ve never dreaded summers more than I do now, and for good reason.

Last summer we had 145 days of triple-digit heat, and more than 103 days without a drop of rain, beating out old records from 1895! Apparently, we didn’t have enough to talk about in 2020.

It’s no exaggeration then to say it was the longest, hottest summer ever. So when a friend recently asked me if I was looking forward to summer, I eloquently answered, “Uh, sort of. Actually, not really. Wow, it is getting really close, isn’t it?”

A love/hate relationship with summer

Despite the extreme heat I live in, I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with summer. As a kid, I loved it. I did all the typical summery-things like bum around the house all day, stay up too late, and sleep in too long.

But as an adult, summers bring a whole lot more work, a whole lot more “mom guilt,” and a lot less productivity.

Don’t get me wrong, I love spending more time with my kids, and watching them splash around in the pool. I will forever associate good things with the smell of Coppertone sunscreen and Otter Pops.



Cara Ray

Christian writer, blogger, and seeker of holy leisure. Finding Jesus truly satisfying. My cup overflows. To learn more: