How to Name the Seasons of Your Life and Live More Fully

What we name we can understand

Mary Gallagher


Life does have a way of coming full circle doesn’t, it?

Recently, I stayed with my son and slept in the guest bedroom of his house while he slept down the hall with his significant other. How did this happen so fast? I wondered, this change of season? Wasn't he just a kid sleeping under my roof?

Above me on a shelf sat Little Bear and Simba — symbols of his childhood. I wanted to plead with Simba and Little Bear to help me turn back time and make these mother/son roles reverse. Please put Simba and Little Bear and my son back in his room under my roof and give me back some time.

But, as they say, time and adulthood wait for no mom.

Learn to see seasons in kairos time

I’m grateful for God’s time, though — kairos time. It’s a time that lives outside of the way we measure time. And it comforts me to remember that God stands outside of time, and that He controls my time — when I submit it to Him. When I stop racing against time and surrender all my seasons to Him, I can be assured He will align and use my seasons in a way that is not just a reminder of the clock ticking against me.



Mary Gallagher

I cut the stress, slowed down, and learned the art of intentional living. When you declutter your soul, you make room for what matters. @The Decluttered Soul