How To Raise Financial Capital For Kingdom Projects

Applying The Kingdom Model

Oludare E. Mustapha (D. T. R.)
3 min readSep 20, 2023


Photo by Dmytro Demidko on Unsplash

Many times, we find ourselves overwhelmed when attempting to undertake a project without the necessary funds. In such moments, we might contemplate giving up or resorting to alternative means, only to discover that our endeavors remain unfulfilled.

However, there is good news - there exists a Kingdom model for raising capital to finance projects, particularly Kingdom Projects.

When you find yourself trusting God for the financial backing of a substantial undertaking, here are the steps to achieve it:

Discern the Will of God

Ensure that the project is in alignment with God’s will and that it is Him instructing you to embark on it. As it is written,

“Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10, NIV)

It is crucial to understand God’s will fully; here, you discern The What, The Why, and The When.


Identify the resources required for the project and establish a budget. Break down the elements and assign monetary values to them if necessary.

“Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.” (Habakkuk 2:2, NIV)

Sow a Seed

Allow God to guide you in selecting both the place and the nature of the seed to sow. This step echoes the miraculous multiplication witnessed in Matthew 14:17-21 when five loaves of bread and two fishes were offered. For God to multiply, a seed must be sown.


Recognize that your battle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers that will want to oppose your project’s fruition (Ephesians 6:12).

Therefore, align your will with God’s will and speak the project into existence through the Word of Faith.

Thanksgiving (Miracle of Multiplication)

Embrace the profound power of thanksgiving. During your prayers, when you feel a stillness within, an inner peace assuring you that your prayers have been heard, it is time for thanksgiving.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6–7, NIV)

In this moment, God begins to reveal The How, The Who, and The Where

During this phase, the seed you sowed begins to yield a bountiful harvest through multiplication. The Holy Spirit imparts wisdom, showing you whom to contact, whom to share the vision with, whom to involve in the project, where to conduct it, and how to raise the necessary funds.

As the vision becomes clearer, you start to envision the project as a tangible reality. It becomes as though you are already witnessing its completion. Then, with unwavering faith, you rise up and set the plan into motion.

By following these steps, you align the project with God’s divine purpose, ensuring that it prospers according to His will and receives the necessary support for its realization. Through prayer, thanksgiving, and trust in the Holy Spirit’s guidance, you can overcome obstacles and witness the miraculous multiplication of resources and opportunities, enabling the project to flourish as a testament to God’s grace and provision.

So, when faced with the daunting task of financing a massive project, remember these steps, grounded in faith and divine guidance, to pave the way for your success. The project will not only come to fruition but also serve as a testament to the power of faith, prayer, and God’s divine favor. Trust in His plan, sow the seed, and watch as He multiplies it abundantly, allowing and enabling you to bring His Kingdom Project to life.

