How to Stay Positive When Bad Things Happen

Learning to turn angst into joy

Ronald Franklin


I hate shaving!

For me, shaving is not a matter of just running the razor over my chin once or twice.

No, I have to be sure to find every little hair and cut it off at the skin level. Otherwise, some of them, their ends sharpened by the razor, will curl back and penetrate my skin.

When that happens, that spot on my face becomes itchy and actually painful. So, I have to take the time to shave very closely, making sure every patch of skin is smooth. For me, shaving is a real trial, and I hate it!

Actually, that’s not quite true. For a long time in my life, I did hate shaving. But that’s not my attitude any longer. Now, when I shave, I refuse to think about how much the process irritates me. In fact, I’m learning to actually rejoice with every swipe of the razor!

How I learned to enjoy shaving

What’s changed? The closeness with which I must shave hasn’t changed, and I still must occasionally bear the pain of accidentally cutting into my skin with the razor blade. So, the sources of my former irritation haven’t changed at all.

What has changed is my attitude.



Ronald Franklin

Retired electrical engineer and pastor. Freelance tech writer. Also write about faith and history: U.S., African American, and Civil War.