How Wrestling with God Leads to Deepened Hope

One woman’s journey of trusting God in a season of infertility

Cara Ray


Photo by @artemkovalev on Unsplash

My beautiful young friend, Lauren, recently shared with me her heart-breaking, but hope-filled journey through infertility.

She’s given me the privilege of sharing her journey in her words.

“Don’t jinx it,” I said to myself, “Don’t get your hopes up. Don’t think about it too much. Don’t plan on it happening because then it inevitably won’t happen.”

I have a spectrum of hope that fluctuates like a needle on a compass in a hurricane, that ranges from high highs, and deep lows. I often struggle to find the balance between hoping with the expectation that God will do something amazing on our behalf, and being afraid to hope too much so I’m not crushed when things don’t work out. In journeying through infertility, every month my hopes have tentatively risen before being dashed again and again.

We started talking about baby names before Matthew and I got engaged. We threw out a slew of names and combinations, talking about the pros and cons of going by your middle name instead of your first. It all felt so light and exciting. When we got married and having kids was a reality, I knew at first we weren’t ready. Fresh into marriage, we were struggling with depression and…



Cara Ray

Christian writer, blogger, and seeker of holy leisure. Finding Jesus truly satisfying. My cup overflows. To learn more: