I Said, “I Can’t,” But God Said, “You Can”

Who’s been in a situation like this?

Febrina Arin
5 min readOct 14, 2023


Illustration by Febrina Arin

“If You want me to pursue an art career, help me to find freelance opportunities.”

“Or perhaps, is writing my calling? If so, give me a mentor to help me become a better writer.”

That was my prayer in the past. However, when God responded, I questioned His decision and believed that my choice was better. Was my faith tested at that moment? 🤔

You know, it’s funny how we often fold our hands in prayer, whispering, “Let Your will be done in my life.” Yet, when life throws its curveballs, our patience wanes, and we catch ourselves murmuring, “This isn’t exactly what I wanted, God.

Ever since my early twenties, I’ve been passionately chasing a career in illustration. Strangely, despite my efforts, things never quite fell into place. Feeling a bit lost, I turned to prayer, and to my surprise, God answered through my former editor. He offered me an internship to write daily automotive news.

At first, I have to admit, I was a little disappointed because it wasn’t exactly my dream gig. But, in the end, I said “Okay” to my editor and decided to roll with it.

I was excited, though I overlooked one crucial detail — the website! 😭

I’m Not Good Enough

Just a few hours after accepting the offer, I found myself underestimating my writing abilities. I began to doubt if I was competent, and in my uncertainty, I apologized to my editor, explaining that I might not be up to the task. Still, my first instinct was to turn to prayer.

“If this opportunity is truly meant for me, please make him force me to accept the offer.”

And yep, he responded with a message that left me with no choice but to accept. So, I decided to give it a shot. After all, there’s nothing to lose, right?

Image by author: A screenshot of my chat with my editor.

Asking For Fail, But God Let Me Win Over 10 Candidates

My editor offered me an internship, and it was merely a ticket to the audition, not an automatic entry. After reaching out to the boss, he assigned me a topic. So, I tried my best, even though it fell short of my expectations.

As I awaited the audition results, a small voice began to whisper doubts about my bad writing abilities. At that moment, I found myself secretly hoping for failure. Little did I know that God’s plan was quite the opposite.

Image by author: A screenshot of my chat with my boss.

Fear mingled with joy as I joined their team. I quickly informed my editor, who told me I had outperformed the other ten candidates. Can you believe it? Out of a total of twelve applicants, only two were selected. It’s truly a testament to the greatness of God, who shattered all my doubts.

Image by author: A screenshot of my chat with my editor.

I’m Tired, Make Them Hate Me

Although a 3-month contract may seem short, it has been quite a long journey for me. Each day, every night, after I get back from my 9–5 job, I am tasked with crafting 350–500 words. Consequently, I feel tired, stressed, dizzy, and often unwell.

As I remember, there was a moment when I experienced severe burnout, resulting in the worst quality of my writing. I silently asked God to make them ‘kinda’ hate me, and then I would be fired. (Avoid praying like this, it’s a big mistake!)

However, as fate would have it, I later received a call from my editor. We discussed my salary payment, and he suddenly said that our boss considered me one of the best interns. My boss in person echoed the same sentiment as my contract ended. So, it’s a sign that perhaps this path was what I was meant for all along.

Image by author: A screenshot of my chat with my boss.

A Lesson To Trust In God’s Plans

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5–6, NIV)

I never thought my writing skills were good; I always felt they were bad. That’s why I asked God to give me a mentor. And you know what? God is good! I met two amazing people — my editor and my boss at EmanualOnline (the website where I write daily news). They taught me so many valuable lessons and helped improve my writing. Maybe, if God hadn’t given me the chance to work with them, I wouldn’t be writing here like I am now. Even worse, I didn’t plan to write about topics related to Christianity here.

Placing your trust in God’s plan may sometimes seem challenging. Initially, doubts may creep in, and you might even believe your plan is superior. I hope whenever you start to feel lost or stuck, or anything doesn’t happen as you wish, please reach for your Bible and read Proverbs 3:5–6.

Moving forward, let’s allow God to script the chapters of our lives.

God’s plans are always greater than ours.

Hey, You Are Amazing!

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Febrina Arin

Hi, I'm Arin! I love sharing about life, faith, and Christian insights, hoping to draw you more closer to God. My portfolio🔻 https://febrinaarin.my.canva.site