I Sanctify Time

Mary Gallagher
Published in
2 min readMay 21, 2019


Photo by Adriano de Gironimo on Unsplash

I used to lament over lost time
time not used wisely,
time that cannot be recaptured,
Chronos time that marches and feasts like locusts
devouring everything sacred and secular
not placed in God’s hands.

Then I learned
I’m not constrained to Chronos time
My God’s time is kairos time
measured in purpose and seasons…

To everything, there is a season
Solomon reminds me.
He accelerates and multiplies,
slows and expands,
in accordance with His purpose.

Chronos rages at my door
screaming “NOW, NOW, NOW
God redeems all the lost minutes, hours, days
pouring them into His bottle of kairos time
whispering in my ear, “when, when, when

When it’s time, my dear.

When you’re ready, my love.

When I choose, my child.

In kairos time I’m sheltered
nothing wasted or exposed to the devourer
hidden from the god of Chronos.
In the cleft of the…



Mary Gallagher

I cut the stress, slowed down, and learned the art of intentional living. When you declutter your soul, you make room for what matters. @The Decluttered Soul