If Life’s a Tornado, Where is the Eye?

Sue-ellen Howe
Published in
4 min readJul 11, 2019

So, this really happened, and I am so glad it did

I was going for my morning walk and I thought today I would try to listen to music as I walked.

I don’t use my phone this way very often, I have done it a time or two still, it was a bit of a challenge,

We listen to Healing streams in the house or car occasionally so I thought ok, I will do that.

I stopped at the end of the driveway to get it going, no sweat! It worked perfectly. . . for 2 minutes.

Ok, what is wrong! Why is this happening?

I tried it again, again it started up great.

Three steps later it shut off.

Enough of this, so I went to my music folder on my phone and clicked on a title, up pops my walking program.

Huh, I didn’t plan that. Shut it down, try again, Nope!

And one more time, no luck.

I thought I’m not going to get frustrated, maybe I just need to listen today

How many times do we get irritated or distracted when these things happen!

I am a firm believer that God is with us all the time and that He wants to be part of everything in our lives and He wants to commune with us, like walking down the street with a friend.

A funny thought just entered my brain, sometimes those little irritations could be like God clearing his throat. You know like Grampa might have done to get our attention.

That may seem very strange to you, but I know that God wants to be part of our lives and if we want him to be, He will make himself known to us.

Our biggest hinderances to this kind of relationship are distractions, and not listening

Most of us live our lives at such a chaotic pace that we don’t slow down enough to allow our spirit to tune in to what God is saying.

We put on worship music with the intent to turn our hearts toward God and we sigh as it begins, but before we know it the brain is going a million miles an hour about this thing and that, all that I have to do.

Many times, we think well that failed, get up and continue our chaotic lives. We all have different ways to still our spirit so that we can hear from Him, so if one does not work, find another one.

I hear from Him a lot when I am surrounded by nature; others it is when they dance, or worship, paint or write.

When things don’t work out, don’t get frustrated, look up and listen up

He wants to have a relationship with you and speak into your life way more than you want to hear from Him, so He will help!

We need to learn together, that when things don’t work out the way we plan that there is another plan. Hold on to that because that is truth…no matter what.

It is in the times when things don’t work, that we need to hold tight to the truth we know and let the other stuff go!

When we can do that, our spirit is at peace and we are free to listen and receive what He wants to share with us.

This morning I am so glad my music programs would not work

No, it is not what I planned.

Yes, it was momentarily frustrating but knowing that God uses everything for our good, I was able to let the frustration go.

I am happy to say that I did hear and that it was a lesson (actually 3 lessons) for my life.

I will share them in following blogs, stay tuned.


God, thank you so very much that you are so patient with us. You say when we seek you, we will be found by you.

You loved us before we knew you. Thank you for your word of truth that can be the anchor when things don’t go as we expect.

This story is published in Koinonia — stories by Christians to encourage, entertain, and empower you in your faith, food, fitness, family and fun.

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Sue-ellen Howe

I love life, love people, and Love God. My motto has been if it’s not fun I don’t do it. I am extremely creative. I love to write as the words drop in my spirit