I’m Only Ever a Few Weeks Away From Being Homeless

How sudden illness has changed our lives completely

Published in
5 min readApr 5, 2024


Author photo, Pacific Ocean, Northland, New Zealand

This last year, my wife and I have only ever been a few weeks away from homelessness.

But it hasn’t come to that yet. It all started a few years ago when my wife became ill and was diagnosed with a long-term (possibly terminal) illness. It’s been a slow progression and hopefully, will continue to hold off as long as possible. In the meantime, I care for her and help her with more and more of the day-to-day stuff.

A year ago, I went onto a government benefit as I’m unable to work while caring for Kim. The benefit is helpful, but it only covers about half of our weekly needs. We can pay rent (we don’t have a home of our own) or we can buy food and pay our regular bills. We can’t do both. I’ve made inquiries, and basically, there is no more help.

Paying rent, but not being able to eat is a pretty short-term solution. So the only real option is to pack up a few necessary things in our car and live in that. Except, it hasn’t come to that yet. And maybe it won’t — time will tell.

Over the last year or so we have been house-sitting. We get free rent and utilities in exchange for caring for someone’s home while they are away. We have had five different places in that time. Some…




I live on the beautiful coastline in Northland, New Zealand. I have published two books and also write a blog — https://www.facebook.com/breadonthewaters/