In Praise of the Ordinary Fathers Making an Extraordinary Difference

Perfect candidates need not apply

Cara Ray


Photo from Unsplash Danielle Macinne

Every morning, before our kids wake up, my husband Tim and I leash up the dogs and take a walk around the neighborhood. It’s a great way to connect before we start each day.

At such an early hour, we ease into our conversation. It usually starts with a review of how we slept the night before, and later, what’s on the agenda for the day. This time is so ordinary. (We’re endlessly fascinated by the amount of poop our two little dogs are able to produce, and how ill-behaved they are around others.) But in the middle of all of this very ordinary business, we also experience the extra-ordinary.

This morning, with Father’s Day right around the corner, I prodded my usually matter-of-fact, non-introspective husband to dig deep into what he’s learned in his 20+ years of fatherhood. He doesn’t love it when I do this, but after some nagging , alright gentle prodding, the wisdom started to flow.

Below is Tim’s top 10 list of the ordinary things that have reaped extraordinary blessing in his life as a Dad. May they bless you and your families this Father’s Day.

1. Date your kids



Cara Ray

Christian writer, blogger, and seeker of holy leisure. Finding Jesus truly satisfying. My cup overflows. To learn more: