Introducing Katharine Trauger

No shortage of inspiration to write

Julie Ranson
Published in
6 min readJun 20, 2022


Author-supplied photo

Katharine Trauger lives on the fringe of the Arkansas Outback. Let’s just say “in the Deep South.” You can find her on Medium at Katharine Trauger.

When did you join Medium? Why did you join?

Feb. 2016. I’d already written a few pieces in Medium, and then I decided to join and see if I could make more money that way. I decided if I could recover the membership fee, I’d stay on, and so far, I have.

When did you join Koinonia? What attracted you to the publication?

I joined Koinonia in November 2021. I had been on hiatus and thought maybe I’d like writing for a different pub. Jan had invited me in the past, but I was confused and thought writing for two pubs would be disloyal to the first. Also, all the pieces then were very short and… I’m not. So I thought I would not fit in.

How long have you been writing and how did you come to it?

You could say I wrote my first real story in second grade, but I badly needed an editor back then. Ha! However, the beginning of real writing was so long ago, I barely remember when… had to be about 30 years ago, when we were home educating our children and they were reaching high school age. I could not find a literature curriculum that I liked even a…



Julie Ranson

Word Lover. Writer. Self-improver. Believer. Widow. Mother of three adults. Find me everywhere: