Is It Less Genuine if You Don’t Remember the Day It Happened?

A reflection on spiritual birthdays

Mishael Witty
Published in
6 min readMay 12, 2020


The disturbing invitation

For the last several weeks our church was holding in-person services before the governor shut everything down, our pastor ended his sermons with an invitation that went something like this:

“If you can’t remember the day you surrendered your life to Jesus, why don’t you come do that now?”

And the invitation bothered me each time I heard it because, unlike some people, I don’t remember the exact date I gave my life to Jesus.

So many potential spiritual birthdays

Was it the day I listened to the cassette recording of kids’ Bible stories and heard the voice of “Jesus,” say, “Come follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men?” And I said in my heart, “Yes, I want to follow You.”

Maybe. That would make sense. And it would explain all the other experiences of God’s presence I had afterward.



Mishael Witty

Wife, mother, crazy cat lady. Author, ghostwriter, editor. I manipulate words because manipulating people is evil.