Is Worry Getting the Best of You?

Greg Longoria
Jun 13, 2022


Drawing by Author

Can any of you add a single hour to your life by worrying? (Matthew 6:27, GW)

As I scooted into the airline seat a wave of worry washed over me. I was leaving behind the life I had known since childhood. In a panic, I blurted, God, what have I done?!

At 35,000 feet I read and meditated on Matthew 6:25–34.

My eyes suddenly opened as I realized that in my fear-filled state,

I could pray or I could panic.

I could worship or I could worry.

When I pray and worship I focus my thoughts on the goodness of God, and there is no room for panic and worry.

As I pondered the power of this truth, a warm peace hugged me. I leaned back, breathed a sigh of relief, and flew confidently into my new life.



Greg Longoria

Entrepreneur. Encourager. I’m passionate about making wiser decisions and living a strategic and successful life.