It’s Only Words and Words Are All I Have

Can these words take your heart away?

Jenny Calvert
3 min readNov 10, 2023


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1, KJV)

I see the paper, the markings, the ink lines connected to make words. I run my finger across the lines but can only feel the impression left by a pen. I can’t see the instrument or the ink in the pen, only the recording on the page.

I can’t see the hand or the fingers that encircle the pen, yet I know there was a hand. I remember it so well. It cared for me and touched my brow when I was sick with a fever.

I have photos of that beautiful face, but it’s a flat, cold piece of paper behind a glass barrier. It does not show the inward spirit as much as the words. Only words are all that remain.

So, I study the words and the handwriting style. I know that someone I love put the ink on that paper. It’s mine. I hold it fast. It’s not much, but it’s all I have. Only words of someone’s mind that knew me, someone’s hand encompassed my hand, and someone’s message that says, “I love you.” Furthermore, I believe it.

The Word was in the beginning and was God. That is what scripture tells us. The Bible also tells us that creation started with the Word. “Let there be light,” and it was so. We read that the Word became flesh and took on the form of a human: Jesus, the son of God who was in the beginning with God. At least, this is what the Bible says.

God’s Word, symbols written down repeatedly, changing languages through the ages, holds a message of the most outstanding value to humankind.

We can’t see John or Paul sitting in a prison cell giving the words. We can’t see Timothy or Peter possibly having someone else transcribe their stories. We can’t see Moses parting the sea or Isaiah predicting the coming of the Messiah. We can’t see David writing poetry or his son Solomon giving words of wisdom.

We can’t see Jesus kneeling and writing in the dirt when the accusers came with a woman caught in adultery. What were the words He wrote? We will never know, but the accusers were all gone in the end, and He Himself did not accuse her.

Maybe the words he wrote were “Forgiven completely, or I love you.”

We can’t see Jesus walking the streets, performing miracles. We can’t hear His voice preaching the beatitudes. We don’t even have an old photo to look at His face. However, we have the Bible.

The words are directed by the mind that formulates the story. The story is beautifully instrumented by God, the author and creator, from the beginning to the end.

The pinnacle is Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, born, preaching, performing miracles, crucified, dead, and buried, the Messiah, risen, victorious over death, bringing us new life.

The Bee Gees wrote a song with these words, “It’s only words, and words are all I have to take your heart away.”

Above: The Bee Gees sing “Words.”

Can we believe a single word Jesus says? He leaves us these words to show His love. Can He take our hearts away with His message?

The words are read with our eyes, deciphered with our minds, and, if allowed, pierced straight into our hearts. Then we comprehend, and the Word sinks into our very existence.

Give your heart to the living Word with all His benefits. When you open up to Him, here is what you receive:

  • Hope and Help
  • Guidance and Grace
  • Forgiveness and Fortitude
  • Peace and Provision
  • Strength and Salvation
  • Comfort and Companionship

When we open up to Him, He gives us even more. He puts us in His top-notch university of wisdom and understanding. The tuition is paid in full by the blood of Jesus Christ. It’s there for the taking. We will learn, without a doubt, all the riches of His Kingdom.

I am in that university, and I study His words. It’s mine. I hold it fast. It’s what I have from the mind of someone who knows me, who holds my hand, and who conveys the message:

I love you.

Furthermore, I believe it.



Jenny Calvert

Jenny is a Christian devotional writer. She writes for several magazines, books, and online venues, sharing the peace, hope, and light of Christ.