I’ve Found Paradise

A poem on the Christian goal

Valentine Nnebe


I see the city
on the sides of the north,
in letters and pages,
bundled in one whole book.
It’s the compass for my path
and the light for my feet.

I’ve found mansions of gold,
in the triumph of a living church.
It is parts of the Savior’s body —
the arm of his strength,
whose praises send
the enemy in wild confusion.

I spot the pearly gates,
walking in the footsteps of love.
As brotherly affection
binds me to others,
it shows my badge of true discipleship.

I sight the Father’s throne,
on bended knees with clasped hands.
So, my prayers rise as incense —
a sweet delight before God,
and it draws the battle lines
as I speak to the Almighty.

I see Jesus, the Darling of Heaven,
whose blood bought my redemption
and whose stripes medicate my wounds.
He’s the Shepherd who knows the…



Valentine Nnebe

✫Registered Nurse by the paper (1st class honors) ✫Aspiring Writer ✫Word enthusiast ✫Home grown Nigerian. I join letters to words and statements for fun.