Jesus’ Best Joke

And laughing at yourself

Nathan Wilson


Photo by Olivia Hutcherson on Unsplash

I laughed out loud reading my Bible recently. Jesus is something of a comedian at times. Every comedian has a manifesto for the comedy they perform. Stephen Colbert often has something to say about politics. Jerry Seinfeld makes a big deal out of small experiences. His bit about socks escaping the dryer is a favourite of mine. As for Jesus, he frequently had something to say about hypocrites.

While preaching the greatest sermon of all time, Jesus offers a profound quip about our obsession with judging others’ imperfections. Here’s the line that makes me chortle:

How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? (Matthew 7:4, NIV).

I imagine Jesus physically holding a log against his face while working the crowd into a sea of belly laughs. In my mind, this joke has physical comedy written all over it. It’s the type of comedy you could expect from comedians like Steve Martin during his stand-up era in the 80s. It’s playful, whacky, and fun!

In case you didn’t catch Jesus’ drift, the hypocrite in question is you. It’s not some other fool we all want to point the finger at. If you laugh, you have to laugh at yourself first. But don’t fret. A healthy laugh at yourself can soften the heart and provide…

