Joshua: A Lesson in Courage

More than ever, we need courage just to live our daily lives

Dr. David Martin


A painting of Joshua leading the Israelites
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC

We live in fearful times. The world has become afraid to the point of paranoia. People wearing masks. Hand sanitizers in elevators. Meetings with more than 20 people are being canceled. Shops, restaurants, and churches are closed. Panic runs on toilet paper. We are living in fear of a giant.

The Giant? COVID-19, commonly known as the coronavirus. It’s a giant we can’t see, and it threatened us with significant harm. Unfortunately, this unknown giant is causing us great fear.

What is driving this fear? Dr. Marcia Reynolds tells us that the fear of the unknown drives us. Dr. Reynolds and other psychology experts tell us that it is “just the way we think.” According to these experts, our brains are hardwired to think the worst about everything. With the coronavirus, this negativity bias becomes amplified because there is just so much uncertainty around this disease.

The instant information, or should I say misinformation age we live in does not help matters much. There is so much fake news and misinformation on our social media networks; it’s all but impossible to know what is true or not. One “expert” tells us masks won’t help, while others say they should be all but mandatory.



Dr. David Martin

I write about leadership, tech, education, current affairs and life in general from Seoul, South Korea (poetry, too!). Email me at