JOY: A Useful Prescription for Life

To find joy in your life, put Jesus first; others next; and yourself last

Lindy Pegler


Many years ago, I heard of the acronym JOY, and I have used it as a guide for life ever since.

J is for Jesus first.
O is for others next.
Y is for yourself last.

Over the years, I have tried to stick to this pattern in my daily life, and I use it as a pattern for praying.

I try to begin each day with Jesus at the center. I try to put Him first. I start with some Bible study and prayer.

When it comes to my actions during the day, I decide whether they will honor God. Secondly, will they help somebody else, or at least not hurt them? And, finally, I think of myself.

Of course, I often fail at this — but this is my goal. Often, I forget, and I get things around the wrong way. But I really believe that this is indeed the prescription for joy. This is different from much of today’s spiel about putting yourself first.

JOY is also a good plan for prayer. Thank Jesus first for what you have been given and what God has done, pray for others, then…



Lindy Pegler

A high school teacher for years, I have Masters Degree in Psychology. My heart is the bush and the beach. I love writing and sharing my ideas on doing life.