June 2022 — Koinonia’s Recommended Stories & Notes for Writers

Lots to share! Click and read now…

Julie Ranson


A note from Julie

Do you have a devotional time each morning?

Koinonia can help you start your day off just right. Check out our homepage every day for a bite-size daily devotion and stories about God’s love for us.

Our world is a noisy place, and we sometimes let it get in the way of our time with God. We make it easy to carve out a little time to spend in relationship with His word and with Him.

Join us, won’t you? Every morning on our home page for a proper start to your day.

Submission Guidelines for Morning Devotions

On Saturdays this summer, our writers are sharing their social media contacts, links to books they’ve written, and writings they wish to promote. It’s been fun so far to learn more about our writers. Our publication is ALL about promoting our writers and this is yet another way to let them network with our writers.

Here are a few links to books our writers have published:

Light to the Hills: A Novel by Bonnie Blaylock
Author page for Doug Erlandson (husband of our writer, Elizabeth Erlandson)
Kimberley Payne writes books too!

Sweet Update! We restarted our Writer Interviews this month. Be sure to check out the stories of Koinonia writers right below our stats, here in the Newsletter. Or jump over to the Writing Tips section of our publication!

Quick Publication Stats

- As of June 30, 2022, we have 470 writers with our publication!
- Koinonia has 3,122 publication followers.

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Writer Interviews

Introducing Jim Dakis
Introducing Marcia Laycock
Introducing Katharine Trauger
Introducing Elizabeth Erlandson

Our June Scripture Prompt was 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Here’s a glimpse at how this verse spoke to our writers.

Why in the World Are You Smiling?
Comfort or…

Check out our July Scripture Verse Prompt

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In our private Facebook group for Koinonia writers, our writers share their own stories and favorites written by others. Below are some highlights from June’s daily sharing.

Writers are having a GREAT time in our private Facebook group sharing their work and interacting with other Christian writers. If you’re a writer for Koinonia on Medium and not yet a member of our private Facebook group called Koinonia Medium Publication Writers, you’re missing out! Meet other writers and gain followers, fans, and friends.

SPECIAL NOTICE to writers:

Through August, we’ve shifted Saturday’s posting focus in this private group. Our writers may promote ANYTHING writing related (books on Amazon, other blogs, etc.), share your Instagram & Facebook pages, your website, or a Medium post. It’s a sharing free-for-all, basically.

If you want your writing featured in the monthly Newsletter, you should participate in this private group or write a post focused on the monthly Scripture Prompt (find the Scripture Prompt post above, or on the Koinonia home page).

Writer-promoted Content

So, You Are a King? –Reflections on Jesus’ Kingship

When A Hurricane Blew My Coffee Away

I Miss You, But…

The 3 Kinds of Beach Sand Explain Our Walk with God

Monster of the Morning: Coping with Chronic Illness

Bending God’s Ear

When God is the Author of Your Life There’s No Need to Worry

A Grief with no Name

A Response to Those Who Ridicule Marriage

A Father’s Job: The Real Meaning of Traveling to Hell and Back

Counting our Blessings

Four More Awesome Reasons to Get Started with a Spiritual Journal

Writer-promoted Poetry

The Feeding

The Power of Positive Ease

Meadow Myrtle

The Language of Trucks


Butterfly Kisses

July First 2019

Writer-promoted Short Form (150 words or fewer)

Do You Believe This?

All the Losers Get a Crown

Tackling Spiritual Clutter

Our writers are prolific. If you love what you read from these lists, click their profiles and read some more!

Writing/Medium Tips (offered in our private Facebook group)

So, You Want to Write a Memoir

Why I Must Write

To Tell the Truth: On Writing Memoir

I’m Not Done Yet

A fellow writer asked, “My recent article has 23 minutes of member reading time but has only earned 53 cents. Does this seem right, fair, accurate?” (Does anyone understand Medium’s algorithm?)

Another writer asked, “What are full claps?” Here’s the response given: When someone claps the full amount we are allowed per story: 50. After 50, it does not add more for that story from you. So clapping 50 means you REEEEALLY like it in every way. Clapping 1, to me, means “I was here but want you to know I was not impressed.” Haha! Probably, actually, a lot of people clap once, just because they don’t know they can clap more. Also I think some think they get 50 claps per day, in all, so they save some for the next read. I often don’t clap a lot for a short piece, like a haiku or a shortform story that I really like. But full claps go to the ones I loved and were well-written.

See what you’re missing? Enjoy these conversations and learning opportunities as a member of our private Facebook group, Koinonia Medium Publication Writers. Again, this is for Koinonia writers only.

MORNING DEVOTIONS: We welcome Morning Devotions as single submissions and short series (2–3 posts). We are currently scheduling submissions about 2–3 days out, so you must wait briefly to see your post(s) appear. Please keep submitting!

Submission Guidelines for Morning Devotions


I hope you’ve enjoyed this little round-up of what’s happening at Koinonia. If you have not yet liked our Koinonia Facebook Page, please like it today. This is where we post our published stories and then you can share them with your friends on social media.

Blessings and Peace,

Julie Ranson
Publication Owner



Julie Ranson

Word Lover. Writer. Self-improver. Believer. Widow. Mother of three adults. Find me everywhere: https://linktr.ee/jjranson